Anchorage Port of Eretria (Eretria) Central Greece - Eubója - Greece Greece | Thessaly and Central Greece
Town pier Port Karistos (Karistos) Central Greece - Eubója - Greece Greece | Thessaly and Central Greece
Anchorage Paleo Trikeri West - Thessaly - Paleo Trikeri - Greece Greece | Thessaly and Central Greece
Town pier Port Steni Vala (Steni Vala) Thessaly - Alonnisos - Greece Greece | Thessaly and Central Greece
Point of interest The Rooftile and Brickworks Museum N. & S. Tsalapatas (Volos) Thessaly - Greece Greece | Thessaly and Central Greece
Anchorage Agios Nikolaos bay (Agios Nikolaos) Central Greece - Greece Greece | Thessaly and Central Greece